My balls itch.
That was a really funny punchline.
My balls itch.
That was a really funny punchline.
LOL i had a frog suxing it under mai pants.
Piconjo <3s j00
But they didn't have cylindrical bullets back then. All they had were muskets that fired uncontrollable round little shots that curved off course after 50 yards or so, depending on the wind conditions. That was why they often had to do close combat and knife one another. If they had the bullets that your animation suggests, then there would be no need.
notice at the end it said i didnt learn anything :P
The big picture
1) What country are you depicting, Iraq or Afghanistan?
2) Is the big picture that after 9/11 simply that the American "aggressors" came to the country and invade, pillage, and cause suffering?
3) What would you like people to do after getting the message?
Anyway, my main suggestion is to make the frame rate faster. And you might think that subtitles are a bad idea, but many of us infidels don't understand your language and it would really be useful.
Although many people find this offensive, I find it a nice counterbalance to the patriotism and the paying of respects to dead Americans. And it isn't THAT horrible. It just portrays an unconventional viewpoint that coincides with the viewpoint of terrorists. I understand the fact that many non-terrorist arab people agree with this. I do not "lack the education."
The Iraq and the Afghanistan are suffering. Much died not guilty people because of the Americans. People must spread the instruction of Allah to uneducated people. Allah can help uneducated. The Bush still does not have to be the president American!
Action packed
This is pretty good, but it is annoying that the good guys don't get hit and only the bad guys die.
Hey, nuGuys Partner gets hit!
Wow, that's pretty good.
Considering that frame-by-frame is a bitch to do, you should deserve some credit.
P is for penis!
It wasn't that hard, once I got used to it! Only Time consuming. Thanks!
Not bad nor good
This was a really pointless movie, but it isn't horrible. I liked the fight scene somewhat. The look wasn't that bad either. The problem was that the whole thing was unconnected, not in a very haha laugh-out-loud manner (ex. Arfenhouse). Try making the scenes faster and possibly funnier.
I noticed the same thing.
Should make I story, don't I.
tnx for reviewing
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Age 91, Male
School = Cool
Wyoming, TX
Joined on 7/19/04